

Douglas Meade

DTM PhotoDouglas has over 25 years of experience analyzing business structures and adapting/designing I.T. solutions that minimize data clutter whilst empowering availability and sharing of valuable executive information towards more effective operationsl & profitable business development. He utilizes a broad range of corporate ERP/CRM and Industry Specific Operations Management platforms to act as an integrated repository of all relevant enterprise data to various types of users across a business organization (marketing, supply chain, accounting, HR, Biz development, Customer Service, executive management etc...) towards better proficiency, optimization and reconciliation across common processes, people skills, and tools.

Douglas  has developed a 360° holistic approach to Information & Technology rooted in business needs, symptoms of current ailments to properly assess / prioritize requirements in order to deliver outside of the box, actionable solutions that will help realign overall plus individual efficiency at each level of the enterprise. His range of client experience as the principal of his own consulting firm for more than 20 years, in parallel with various senior roles  at leading consultancy firms servicing clients both in the US & Europe across industries as diverse as Non profit, Theater management , Hospitality or Hedge Fund…enable him to translate business and marketing strategy into the most relevant and powerful technology  based solutions.



Contact Info

Phone: +212-877-0378

New York - Miami - Nationwide

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